Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Festivities

Christmas has come and past in our house. We started on the 23rd with a family dinner and then did the couple thing on the 24th. After those two days, today (the 25th) doesn't really seem like it's still Christmas. We've posted pics in our online album.


The turkey was a success thanks to my mom's advice. To my surprise the stuffing tasted really good. I didn't have all of the usual spices but it worked anyway. We also had pumkin cheesecake, mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli, salad, a veggie tray and lots of tea. All in all, a great Christmas. It's nice being over here where there is no pressure to have the perfect holidays.


Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Decorations

I had more cards than display space so I decided to hang them up with white thread so it looks like they are float ing in the air. Christmas cards look really funny on south-east asian furniture.
It's Christmas for us tomorrow (23rd) as the family is coming over. I finally get to see what got sent from Canada/Cuba.
I'll keep you posted on how the turkey turns out.

Monday, December 18, 2006




I finally found a turkey. Masa phoned several supermarkets but they only carry precooked turkeys. I found one in a meat shop in the basement of Isetan in Shinjuku. It is four pounds and a whopping $50! But it's Christmas. I'll do my best to cook it properly.

One of my friends went to Spain recently and brought me back some sparkling wine. It'll be good to drink at Christmas. Thanks Ayako!

Thursday, December 14, 2006



I've bought some ornaments for the tree! Not many but I bought some apples, an angel, and some candy canes. I think I need some more as it's still a bit bare. I'm making cookies this weekend. I started today with pumpkin cheesecake, if it's any good I'll post a pic.

Now for the most important news. We bought a new digital camera. A Panasonic Lumix FX07. Seven megapixels... I'm going to have fun.

Monday, December 11, 2006


On Friday I'm going to a sixties and seventies Christmas party. I wonder what it's going to be like. What on earth am I going to do for a costume.

Friday, December 08, 2006

O Christmas Tree

We bought a Christmas tree!!!!! I'm so excited!!! It's really thin and small. In a year or so it should be a lot bigger. I haven't bought any ornaments yet...

Monday, December 04, 2006


Last weekend I made Christmas stockings. I couldnt' find good material at the fabric store so I cut up cushion covers. I wonder what my next craft will be.
On the 23rd Masa's family is coming over for Christmas. I'm planning to cook a turkey. The problem is that I don't have an actual oven. My microwave has a oven setting but the microwave is sooo small. I'll try to find a small turkey.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Christmas is Coming!!!!

I know it's only November but I've been feeling Christmassy. I watched the original "Grinch who Stole Christmas". The one with Boris Karloff narrating. Love it. What a classic.
11月だけどクリスマスの機嫌になった。最近The Grinch Who Stole Christmasを見ました。ジムケリーのやつじゃなくて、アニメの原画です。懐かしいなー。

Next is Gluhwein. Aka hot spiced wine. Me thinks I shall make it tonight. Yummy. I will not decorate my house before December though. Actually I don't own any Christmas ornaments. I haven't really done Christmas in Japan. I guess Masa and I should build some sort of Christmas traditions together.


Monday, October 09, 2006



I've be using Mixi a lot lately so I haven't updated this blog. But we've been up to a lot. Here are the three biggest things.

1) The best thing that's happened in the last little while is that Masa's sister had a baby. A little girl named Tsuzumi. She's soooo cute. She was born on September 26th. That's a good month as I was also born in September. The first character in her name is a kind of drum as her parents met at a Taiko drumming class.

2) The next thing is that we finally bough my engagement ring. We ordered it two Saturdays ago and picked it up two days ago. I love this ring. Masa's mother thinks it's a little small but I love it. It's the biggest diamond I could handle. Masa wanted to get a bigger one but I loved this one.

3)結婚式のメインカーラーを決まった。Victorian RedとCheery Cherryを選んだ。だいたいはなとかキャンダルとかアイスとかがその色です。
3) The third thing is that we've chosen our colors for our wedding. We've decided to go with Victorian Red and Cherry Cherry. They are a bit darker than in the photo. The flowers and candles, etc will all be that color. Just a splash of color mind you.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


帰って来た! We're back!

カナダはとても楽しかったですよ。Canada was sooooo good!

ロッキー山脈に行ってカヌーを乗ってエドモントンの大きなショッピングモールにも行ってバンクーバーに行きました。ちょっと忙しかったね。 We went to the Rockies, went canoeing, went to West Edmonton Mall and went to Vancouver. It was pretty busy.

インターネットの写真のアルバムで写真を見えますよ。こちらです。でもカメラがおかしくなったんだー。新しいカメラを買おうと思います。We have an online photo album where you can see our pics. My camera is a little funny so I'll have to buy a new camera.

たくさんメープルの味のおみあげをかいました。メープル過ぎると思う。カナダ人はメープルの物をあまり食べないから。We bought so many maple-flavored things to give away as souvenirs. Too much maple since Canadians don't usually eat maple-flavored stuff.

とても楽しかった。So much fun.

私の妹の息子さんイーサン君という名前はかわいいよ。もう2歳なのでいつもあちこちに走っている。My sister's son Ethan is sooo cute. he's two now so he's always running around.

イーサン君はうまく話せるのでマサと私は二人ではカシャという名前を使った。(カーステンのカ+マサはシャになった)。 He can't speak very well yet so he combined our names and called us "Kasha". Ka from Kirsten and sa in Masa became sha.


Monday, August 28, 2006

Canada Bound!!!!

久しぶりです。It's been a while since my last post.

九月九日にカナダに行きますよ。 ロッキー山脈にも行くよ。
On September 9th we are headed to Canada! We're even going to the Rockies.

おみあげのことをよく考えた。最後たくさんおみあげをあげたのでなんいがいいかなと思っていた。でも面白いものを見つけた。 I've been thinking a lot about what souvenirs to bring back to Canada. Last time I went back I took a lot of stuff. What's left? I got a good idea though.

伊奈町で買いました。インターネットでも買うことが出来る。ウェブサイトはこちら。ガーリックゴマはとてもおおいしいよ。 Near Masa's parent's house we bought some flavored sesame seeds. They have garlic, sour plum (ume) and Japanese horseradish (wasabi) flavors. You can visit the underlined link in Japanese to go to a website if you want to buy some. The garlic flavored sesame seeds are really good.


Wedding Bells are Ringing

最近結婚式の準備を始めたんだー。自分で計画するのはすごい大変たよ。日本でみんなはWedding Plannerをつかっていますね。カナダでは自分で計画をしています。 A little while ago I started planning for our wedding. Planning it yourself is nuts. Most people in Japan use wedding packages but not back in Canada.

花のことはどうだろう。。。花があまり好きじゃないから。インターネットで探して面白いアイディアを見つけました。花は水に浮いてとてもきれいです。和風が好きなので生花のほうがいいかも。 What to do about flowers... I don't really like flowers. I found a good idea on the internet. Floating flowers in water.

If you have any advice please leave a comment.


Monday, July 24, 2006




Thursday, July 20, 2006


会社のブログに面白いリンクを見つけました。京王の電車のマナーのサイトです。 かわいいでしょう。会社の日本語の先生は転写のマナーを教えるためにこの写真を使う。サイトはこちら。いっぱいあります。
I found this site linked to the blog at work. It's about train manners and the pics are really cute. The Japanese consultants at work use this site to teach 'foreigners' about train manners. I love it!


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Pro Wrestling

Last night Masa and I went to watch pro wrestling. It was soooo horrible. Low budget WWE. They were really bad at acting. It was the most horrible thing that I had ever seen, entertainment wise anyway.


Sunday, July 16, 2006


I've done a lot of stuff lately yet haven't written anything.

昨日教会の友達の13歳の娘さんと3人で湘南にサーフィンしに行きました。すごく楽しかった。 ちょっと大きなんですけと波がきれいだった。強かった。
Yesterday we took our friend's daughter surfing in Shonan. It was so much fun. The waves were beautiful albeit a bit large. They were really strong.

2,3週間前友達の家でゆかたを着ました。友達の仕事の中国人の友達もいてそばを作って浴衣を着ました。面白いポイントはカナダ人と中国人は日本で日本語でコミュニケーションしました。 世界の生活は面白いだと思います。
Two or three weeks ago I tried on a yukata. One of our friends invited two of her Chinese coworkers and we made soba and then tried on yukatas. It was interesting because I, a Canadian, was conversing with a couple of Chinese in Japan using Japanese. Life is interesting.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Do you really know yourself?


Here is a good exercise to see if you really know yourself. Complete ten statements beginning "I am..." with a word or phrase which describes you at this point in time.

I am shy
I am gentle
I am often scared
I am happy
I am loved
I am respected
I am scared of being rejected
I am interested in almost everything
I am sometimes frustrated
I am always tired

What kind of person are you?





Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Mind Gym

先週の金曜日にあった会社のトレーニングのテーマはThe Mind Gymでした。とても面白いですよ。新しい考え方になりそう。とても独創的な会社だと思います。今日Mind Gymの本と買いました。英語がわかる人ウェブページを見てください。

The title of my training session last week was the Mind Gym. It was really interesting. It's a new way expand how you think and wake your mind up. Super creative. Those of you who are English speakers should check it out. I bought the book today.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


I went to an ice creap shop in Higashi-Ikebukuro tonight. Everything was really good and big. Everything was the size of your hand. That's big in Japan.

The dessert I'm drinking int he pic is called Fruit Land. It was really tasty. It was normal tea with fruit coctail in it. I'm going to make that at my next party.

The bottom pic has strawberry incream, cake and whipped cream in it. Sooo good.

It really was the size of my hand.

I tried to find the webpage but couldn't.


Monday, June 19, 2006

Edmonton Oilers in Game 7!!!!

私はアイスホッケーのファンではなくて、でも自分のホーム・アイス・ホッケー・チームはStanley Cup Finalsの最後の試合に入っています。


I'm not really a hockey fan but my home team is in the Stanley Cup finals!!!!!!!! Game seven. They came back from being down 3-1 to tie it up and force a game seven. Look who has got all the momentum now!


fairweather fans :-(

Tonight we watched the Japan vs. Croatia game and My friend was so quiet. I found out that he is a fairweather fan during the first game of the world cup. He stopped cheering as soon as Australia tied it up. Where is the love? Being a fan means sticking it out to the very end. I will have to teach him the art of cheering a team on. They need us fans.

I think Kawaguchi did a great job tonight. Especially that first spectacular save. I'm a fan of his now. Shunkuke Nakamura is also impressive. I don't recall Nakata doing anything that wonderful, albeit his shots on goal were pretty good. Inamoto was great after he was subbed on. Usually subbed in players don't play that well but he made an impact right away.

Where is Canada? Ranked 11oth or 111th in the world. We are not a soccer people.





Wednesday, June 07, 2006




Monday, June 05, 2006

Elvis hasn't left the building

I went to Yoyogi park today with some friends and saw something interesting. A group of about eight guys dressed kind of Elvis-syle were dancing to fifties rock and roll music. They were dressed in black leather and had huge hair. It was quite a sight considering it is Japan and all.



Monday, May 22, 2006



I went to the Sanja festival today and saw some interesting underwear. In front of my friend's friend's bar three men were sleeping on the street. They were wearing "fundoshi" (underwear that looks like the thong that sumo wrestlers wear) and "happi" (like a short cotton bathrobe that is bright and colorful), traditional festival wear. I alway thought that Japanese tend to get embarrased easily. I guess that with alcohol and festivals they have no inhibitions.


Thursday, May 18, 2006



おとといにJapan Times を読みながら、面白いコラムを見つけました。割り箸の不要について読みました。1年間で一人は200本を使って、出します。多いですよね。日本に来て、この事に興味になりました。日本に来て、日本が効率的なし、こんな不要があるのでびっくりしました。ペットボトルもすごい不要だと思います。

I started a new job this week and since I've been tired, I havent' written much. Sorry about that.

A couple days ago I found an interesting story in the Japan Times. It's about "waribashi" aka disposable chopsticks. Every year each person uses 2oo pairs of disposable chopsticks. That's a lot! When I came to Japan I often wondered how many disposable chopstics people used. I was really surprised because Japan is so efficent yet it has all that waste. "Pet bottles" aka plastic drink bottles also create a lot of waste here. What a shame.


Monday, May 15, 2006



Saturday was my last day working for the language school. I worked there for three years. For a language school, three years is a long time. My students wrote messages on the flag in the picture. I was touched. From now on, on to bigger and better things.


Thursday, May 04, 2006



行ったレストランはおいしいイタリア料理ですよ。VenusFortの2階のマーノ マッジョ 【MANO MAGIO】です。時間があれば行ってください。

On Monday this week, Masa and I had our one year anniversary so we went on a romantic date. We went to Odaiba and did a bit of shopping, went out for dinner and went to a game center. It must have looked funny. We wanted to go on the ferris wheel but it was a rainy day so we wouldn't have been able to see anything. We played pingpong in suits. It was so much fun. The restaurant we went to was Mano Magio on the second floor of Venus Fort. You should go there sometime. It's a good Italian restaurant.




On Sunday, Masa and I went digging for bamboo shoots near his parents' house. It was really fun. Because it was my first time, it took me a long time to dig one up. Masa's dad was amazing. He could dig one up with two or three digs. It took me about twenty. That night, I was going to boil them so I started husking them. Masa walked in to the room and exclaimed "What are you doing? You boil them with the skin on!" I replied "Sorry, what should we do?" He said we should try boiling them the way they are since I was almost finished husking them. Thankfully they turned out okay, albeit not as good as Masa's mother's ones.


Thursday, April 27, 2006







Masa and I were walking to Yoshinoya at about 2am yesterday morning.
At the local police box a drunken man was yelling at a taxi driver.
I couldn't catch what he said but he was really angry.
The police weren't there.
Suddenly the drunken man took of with the taxi driver in pursuit.
Still no police.
I wonder where they went...


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Gray Days

It's been kind of cloudy lately. On those kind of days I always remember a song from my childhood.

It's a rainy day, it's a rainy day
It's wet outside and I can't go out and play.



One of the guys from work just had a baby and everyday he asks me if I remember different childrens' songs. It's kind of cute.

What is your favorite childrens' song?

Mine is

Run, run as fast as you can
You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Maid blood donation clinics!?!?!?!?!?


3月24日のDaily Yomiuri Shimbunを読みながら、あきばのメイド献血センターを見つけました。 あそこでメイドさんは手のマッサージサービスをします。気もしわる意だね。メイドカフェはひどいけどメイド献血センターはちょっと非論理的だと思います。セックスと献血が混ざらないだと思います。理由があって、1993年に献血者は721万人だって、2003年に562万人になりますた。日本は少子高年齢化で重大な問題けど献血者を増すのためにセックシーな事をするのはちょっと。。。

I was perusing the March 24th edition of The Daily Yomiuri Shimbun (Newspaper) when I came accross something that makes me question ethics. I don't know if you have heard of maid cafes in Akihabara in Tokyo. Here is a link to one of the websites. In maid cafes the waitresses are all young and cute and wearing french maid uniforms. They greet the customers as a husband who has just returned home. That itself is a little distubing to me. But a blood donation clinic in the tech-geek capital of Tokyo, Akihabara, has started having "maids" who give hand massages to encourage the tech geeks to donate blood. Should they be using sex to get blood for needy people? Imagine all the lewd looks the girls drawing blood get. One word DIRTY! They have a reason for doing so. In 1993 the number of blood donors was 7,210,000 but in 2003 the number had fallen to 5,620,000. In a rapidly aging society that is serious trouble. But using sex to encourage people to donate blood?!?!?!?


Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Importance of Being Convenient

I was reading the Weekender (an English language magazine in Tokyo) and came accross an interesting articles about convenience stores in Japan. Here are some of my favorite quotes:

A joint venture between the large securities firm Nikko Cordial Securities and Lawson in July 2004 saw the convenience store operator open a branch inside
Nikko’s brokerage office. The branch distinguishes itself by featuring an impressive 13m2 screen shared by both businesses. The giant screen tracks investment programs and lists various stock and financial information, thus encouraging possibly risk-shy middle-aged and mature investors to seek financial advice in the non-threatening sales environment of the friendly combini.

...This also reflects a wider shift in Japan, with consumers reexamining
their personal definition of what’s valuable and worth their money. This new trend would find it logical to drive to a combini in a brand new European sports car to buy a 500yen ($5) bento lunch.

The peculiar mix of factors that is modern Japan may be the perfect environment for convenience stores to grow. The shortage of physical space, the lack of concern over customer satisfaction with government agencies such as the national post office (where you can’t even buy envelopes people, envelopes!), and the loneliness of a workaholic nation attracted to the warm, midnight glow of the combini make these stores the most highly tuned, rapidly evolving stores, possibly on the planet.


Saturday, March 11, 2006

Ode to Chocokuro

You may be wondering what at "chocokuro" is. I will tell you. It is a chocolate filled croissant you can buy at St. Marc's Cafes in and around Tokyo. They keep them warm at the store so when you bite into them the chocolate is still soft and warm. It's like you've died and gone to heaven.



Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Sayonara ChitChat

I went to my favorite bar, ChitChat, for the last time last Thursday. I'll miss that place. It's a little far from my new place.

I love the music they play there. And I will never forget the bar tender Kentaro who is pure of heart. And the boss Rei-kun.

I'll miss you Chitchat...





Monday, February 27, 2006

Is it a warehouse or a house?

So this a house or a warehouse?

I just can't decide. Metal siding is typical for a warehouse but the wood finish near the door is really nice. Infact it may be the nicest door that I've seen in a long time. They just finished building it down the street from me. It doesn't fit into the neighborhood at all. Oh well, I hope the owners are satisfied. This shows my conservative side.




Monday, February 20, 2006

Masa's first trip to Costco

Masa's uncle took us to Costco yesterday and Masa was completely overwhelmed. He wanted to buy everything in sight. We ended up buying a spice rack for the new house. It's amazing how fast you can spend 10,000yen. Did you know you can buy a package of 96 granola bars? I wonder how long it'll take us to eat them...

We also went to an asainy store and picked up something for our new bathroom. We've decided to go with an asiany type style. Very cool. We bought dark wood furniture from friends who are leaving Japan. I wonder what we're going to put in this thing...


Friday, February 17, 2006

belly dancing

I've decided to take up belly dancing. I've just ordered a dvd from the Amazon Japan website. I think it's kind of sexy and it's supposed to be great for your abs. I like belly dancing music too. I think a varied workout is the best way to go. It'll be hear sometime after next week and then I'll be able to start.



Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I am a cat

I picked up I am a Cat by Natsume Souseki last week. The entire thing is written from the perspective of a cat. The cat just sits and observes humans all day adding it's comments here and there. What a fabulous idea. How did he think of it. The book is really thick, 638 pages in English. I have no idea how long it is in Japanese. It may be shorter because Japanese cultural things don't have to be expanded upon. I've only read thirty-six pages but I'm hooked.



Friday, February 10, 2006

Take me home!!!!!!!

A couple songs went through my head today. The first one is a song I heard Great Big Sea sing on one of their cds. The line that keeps running through my head is:
"We arrived in December and London was cold...TAKE ME HOME!!"
I have absolutely no idea why this song has been going through my head.
This pic is soooo Canadian

Masa and I went to an Irish pub last night with Etsuko and Mr. Topless and we had a riot. It's been a long time since I've had immature fun. You know like when you douse your salad in tabasco sauce and dare each other to eat it. Or when you tell your friend to jam the lemon wedge into his Corona really fast and the foam explodes everywhere. And I was the only one under thirty.

One kind of weird thing we saw at the bar was a Japanese man in his sixties and a Japanese woman in her late forties making out. Yes people that age don't usually make out in public. But in Japan no one makes out in public. I thought it was weird but my Japanese friends were appalled saying it was really disgusting.


Thursday, February 09, 2006

The placebo effect

I have always been interested in research methodologies and while I was preparing to teach a lesson about health I came accross an interesting article on the Science Daily website. It is about the placebo effect. A group of researchers did a clinical trial that studied the placebo effect of sham pills versus sham acupuncture. People reported they felt more of an effect from the fake acupuncture compared with the fake pills. There is something even more interesting. Each participant in the study had to sign a waiver form that listed possible side effects of the treatment. 25 percent of sham accupuncture and 31 percent of placebo pill patients reported experiencing the side effects listed on the waiver form. The power of the mind is very interesting.
Check out the article if you have the chance: All Placebos Not Created Alike: In A Trial Of Sham Acupuncture Vs. Oral Placebo Pill, Patients Experienced Greater Pain Reduction From Sham Device

The article came from Harvard Medical School.


昔から研究の方法に興味があるんですね。今日レッスンの準備をしながら、Science Dailyのウェブサイトに面白い論文を見つけました。テーマはプラシーボ効果なんです。プラシーボ効果の説明はこち。偽の鍼の効果と偽の錠剤の効果の違いを研究しました。偽の錠剤より偽の鍼の方が結果がよかったんです。もっと面白いポイントがあるんですよ。研究の前に参与者は可能な副作用がかいてある承諾書を読んで、サインしました。偽の鍼を取った人の25パーセントとピルを飲んだ人の31パーセントは可能な副作用を発生しました。でも両方のトリートメントもプラシーボなんだー。
興味があれば、読んでください。All Placebos Not Created Alike: In A Trial Of Sham Acupuncture Vs. Oral Placebo Pill, Patients Experienced Greater Pain Reduction From Sham Device


Sunday, January 22, 2006

Happy Birthday to Masa!!!!!!

Today is Masa's birthday!
Yesterday we went out for a quick dinner and drink at Mother in Shimokitazawa. It has an interesting interior and an eclectic menu. I had German spiced wine while Masa drank Jamacian beer. We dined on Pakisani and Japanese food. A nice little bar.
今日はマサの誕生日です! 昨日下北沢にあるマザーというバーで飲みました。雰囲気はよかったし、メニューもとてもかわっていました。
ナシゴレンとアボカドパスタも食べました。 とてもナイスなバーでした。


It snowed all day Yesterday. I was elated. I love the snow! I felt at home walking on the snow while others were slipping and sliding. Did I mention that I love snow?

