Thursday, November 16, 2006

Christmas is Coming!!!!

I know it's only November but I've been feeling Christmassy. I watched the original "Grinch who Stole Christmas". The one with Boris Karloff narrating. Love it. What a classic.
11月だけどクリスマスの機嫌になった。最近The Grinch Who Stole Christmasを見ました。ジムケリーのやつじゃなくて、アニメの原画です。懐かしいなー。

Next is Gluhwein. Aka hot spiced wine. Me thinks I shall make it tonight. Yummy. I will not decorate my house before December though. Actually I don't own any Christmas ornaments. I haven't really done Christmas in Japan. I guess Masa and I should build some sort of Christmas traditions together.



raebie said...

I knew you'd be jealous.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha