Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Green Room is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ayako and I have started talking about going to the The Green Room Festival this year. We went last year and it was great. It's a surfing culture festival. It has art, photography, a bit of fashion, video and of course music. It was sooooo good. We ran into the owner of our favorite bar. He's a music nut. It's the bar that I mentioned in my last post.

Onto Caravan. He plays the acoustic guitar and various other instruments. And he's pretty cute. Always an added bonus. I might be going to his show in February if there are any tickets left. I reccomend that you check him out. Masa and I listened to him on my ipod on our first date. It kind of reminds me of that date.


Friday, January 13, 2006


いつも沢山のひとが並んでいるのでとおりすぎていました麺屋武蔵新宿店に先日行ってきました!!  (念願の武蔵。^^) 死ぬまでに一度は行ってみたいとおもっていました。 ちょっと大げさですがW  

予想していたより並んでいるひとは少なめでしたが、30分並んでようやく写真のらーめんにたどりつけました。 はじめにまずスープからー、隠し味の柚がはいった魚系スープはなんともいえません。^^  くずれそうにやわらかいチャーシュー、コシがありしっかりと固めの麺も最高でした。

またぜひいってみようとおもっていますー。 でも毎週とまでは。。月に一回ぐらいいけたらいいなーーー 


Monday, January 09, 2006

Hot wine and my favorite bar

A friend and I went to our favorite bar Chit Chat in Shinyurigaoka. We ordered some hot wine and it was delicious. I experimented tonight and I think I figured it out.

2 parts wine
1 part orange juice
1 cinnamon stick
1 shot of brandy

I cooked it on low for about twenty minutes until the really strong wine taste went away. I used a 300yen bottle of wine so apparently the cost doesn't matter.

By the way, the bar I mentioned is great. The owner is a musician so there is always good music playing in the background and I've never been to a show there that I didn't enjoy. Check it out if you have the time.