Thursday, March 22, 2007

Team building in Hakone

Last weekend I went to a team building event for work. There were about twenty-five of us and we did a high ropes course in Hakone. Some of the activities involved jumping off eight-meter platforms to catch a trapeze. It was a lot of fun. The pic is of me.

On the way up we stopped at a good Mt. Fuji viewpoint. The small, faint white peak in the background is Mt. Fuji. It was a beautiful clear day.

Another of our tasks was the spider web. We had to get everyone through the holes, one person per hole, without touching the ropes. It involved a lot of team work and communication. We didn't complete the task on time but we did complete it.

It was a wonderful experience all around. I got to get to know a lot of new people, breathe fresh air and get some good pics. I can't wait for the next one.