Thursday, July 20, 2006


会社のブログに面白いリンクを見つけました。京王の電車のマナーのサイトです。 かわいいでしょう。会社の日本語の先生は転写のマナーを教えるためにこの写真を使う。サイトはこちら。いっぱいあります。
I found this site linked to the blog at work. It's about train manners and the pics are really cute. The Japanese consultants at work use this site to teach 'foreigners' about train manners. I love it!


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Pro Wrestling

Last night Masa and I went to watch pro wrestling. It was soooo horrible. Low budget WWE. They were really bad at acting. It was the most horrible thing that I had ever seen, entertainment wise anyway.


Sunday, July 16, 2006


I've done a lot of stuff lately yet haven't written anything.

昨日教会の友達の13歳の娘さんと3人で湘南にサーフィンしに行きました。すごく楽しかった。 ちょっと大きなんですけと波がきれいだった。強かった。
Yesterday we took our friend's daughter surfing in Shonan. It was so much fun. The waves were beautiful albeit a bit large. They were really strong.

2,3週間前友達の家でゆかたを着ました。友達の仕事の中国人の友達もいてそばを作って浴衣を着ました。面白いポイントはカナダ人と中国人は日本で日本語でコミュニケーションしました。 世界の生活は面白いだと思います。
Two or three weeks ago I tried on a yukata. One of our friends invited two of her Chinese coworkers and we made soba and then tried on yukatas. It was interesting because I, a Canadian, was conversing with a couple of Chinese in Japan using Japanese. Life is interesting.