Monday, August 28, 2006

Canada Bound!!!!

久しぶりです。It's been a while since my last post.

九月九日にカナダに行きますよ。 ロッキー山脈にも行くよ。
On September 9th we are headed to Canada! We're even going to the Rockies.

おみあげのことをよく考えた。最後たくさんおみあげをあげたのでなんいがいいかなと思っていた。でも面白いものを見つけた。 I've been thinking a lot about what souvenirs to bring back to Canada. Last time I went back I took a lot of stuff. What's left? I got a good idea though.

伊奈町で買いました。インターネットでも買うことが出来る。ウェブサイトはこちら。ガーリックゴマはとてもおおいしいよ。 Near Masa's parent's house we bought some flavored sesame seeds. They have garlic, sour plum (ume) and Japanese horseradish (wasabi) flavors. You can visit the underlined link in Japanese to go to a website if you want to buy some. The garlic flavored sesame seeds are really good.


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